There may be a case where your order from Etsy doesn't import into Shopify.
To view the exact error please go to shopUpz app -> "order" tab . In cases there is an order that failed to be replicated, please hover on the status error image and read the reason.
Once issue was resolved. E.g. you submitted SKU on Shopify then click on re-sync order icon as described here
Recommended way to identify SKUs gaps between Etsy and Shopify is detailed here
Re-sync order icon
Following are common errors and resolution :
1.Missing SKU in Shopify- Â for that scenario is when one or more of SKUs in Etsy order don't exist on Shopify.
Resolution : make sure that all of your Etsy SKUs exist on Shopify.
2.Error occurred during creation of new Shopify order. {"errors":{"line_items.variant_id":["cannot be a variant with components"]}}
Resolution : The errors means that you are trying to add product to an order with componenets (bundles). Shopify forum provides a workaround you can click here to read the full solutionÂ
Shopify's forum suggestion :
In the case of product bundles or variants with components, they're usually not meant to be ordered as a single line item. Instead, each component of the bundle should be a separate line item in the order. The error you're seeing is because the API is preventing you from ordering a variant that has been set up as a bundle of other products.
Here's a workaround that doesn't involve removing the components:
Instead of trying to order the parent variant (the one with components), you can order its components individually
Break down the bundle into its constituent products, and add each one as a separate line item in the order.
This way, you're not directly ordering the variant with components (the bundle), but you're ordering its parts. This should bypass the error you're encountering.
Keep in mind that you'll have to adjust your inventory management processes accordingly, as ordering the components individually may affect your inventory levels for the parent variant.