Etsy Shopify Export Listings
shopUpz Inventory app allows you to export listings and variations from Shopify to Etsy with a click of a button!
Prepare your listings for Export
shopUpz App helps you to export listings from Shopify to Etsy easily.
Before exporting listings from Shopify to Etsy you need to know:​
Existing customers - if you are already our customer and want to use our new export listing capability.
Please click on "Connections" tab -> remove Etsy connection -> connect to Etsy again.
SKU - shopUpz exports only listings that all of their SKUs are NOT created in Etsy.
You must set SKUs to all of the listing variation
Etsy Status - shopUpz will export listings from Shopify to Etsy "draft" status.
Quantity - Etsy quantity should be between 1-999. Your quantity on Shopify > 999 the app will update Etsy quantity to 999 automatically.
Variation Options - Etsy variations can be set with up to 2 options.
For example red shirt can have 2 options: size and color . If you have more than 2 options on Shopify variation we will replicate only 2 options. Best practice is to set 2 options per variation on Shopify as well.
Price - price has to be >=0.2 . Etsy minimum pricing with any type of currency >=0.2
Variations Images - you can link images on Etsy only to the primary variation option e.g. "color" . You need to make sure that your Etsy primary option is your Shopify first option.
Read the full instructions here
Total listings to export- each time you can select up to 10 listings per export.
Export listings step by step
Install shopUpz inventory on Shopify app store and follow the installation steps
Once the app is installed click on "Export Listings" tab

3.Select "Etsy Category" and "Sub Categories (4 levels)" - all of the selected Shopify listings will be associated to the selected Etsy category . Please note that we provide up to 4 hierarchy levels.
4. Select "Etsy FIXED Shipping Profiles" - all of the selected Shopify listings will be associated to the selected Etsy Shipping profile
Please make sure that your Etsy shipping profile is tagged as FIX and not calculated (view image below)
5.Shopify Listings - you have 2 options to select the listings :
Option #1- select listing by listings
Option #2 - select entire collection
click on one of the the buttons "Click to Choose Listings" or "click to choose a collection". A new dialog with all of your Shopify listings/collections will be open as attached image below.

Select listings dialog​

Select collection dialog​

6.Check all of the listings/collections that you would like to export and click on "Add" button.
7.The total selected listings will be displayed
8.Click on "Export listings now" button . New dialog window will be displayed for you to confirm that you approve to export the selected listings to Etsy.
Please note - once listings are exported there is no option to revert it.
9.Click on "Export Now" button.

10. A progress bar will be shown on the top of the page and will notify you once the export successfully completed.
11. Congrats !!!! You've just exported your listings to Etsy:)
You can view them on Etsy "Draft" status.
Track and view export listings history
12. Once the export completed , please close the green progress bar and click on "Sync History" tab to review what listings were successfully exported and what listings were not exported due to error.
Once you hover the "Error message" text a tooltip with the full error message will be displayed.
If you would like to retry exporting the listings please resolve the issue and remove the listing from Etsy

Export Errors
Here is a tutorial of ​Export listings error and resolution - Why my listing does not exported from Shopify to Etsy