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Inventory Sync Installation

shopUpz Inventory app allows you to instantly connect Shopify with Etsy to automate your inventory quantity between your stores automatically, so you can focus on growing your business.

Set SKUs on Etsy and Shopify

shopUpz App installation is quick and easy. Before installing the App validate:

  • SKUs are set to all of your listing and variations.

  • Inventory on Shopify and Etsy are updated and aligned.

Note – variation’s SKUs inside a listings have to be unique. Good example :listing – cool shirt: variation#1 Green shirt – SKU = G-shirt ; variation #2 Red shirt – SKU = R-shirt.

You can re-use the same SKU on different listings just not in the same listing.

Installation step by step

  1. Install shopUpz inventory on Shopify app store

  2. Enter to your Shopify store

  3. Click on the “Install app” button -> you will be redirected to approve subscription page. Click on "Approve" button


4.Login to your Etsy store

5. Click on “Connect to your Etsy store” button

6.Click on “Authenticate” button



7.Click on “Allow Access” button

8. Click on “click to continue” button


Congrats !! you’ve successfully installed shopUpz inventory app.






















Initial inventory quantity sync

Initial sync is a one time sync that will update all of your listings and variations quantities.
You can select one of the 3 options below , depends on your needs. Here are the three options :

1.Bi-directiona sync -

  • Start updating all of your Etsy’s active listings and Shopify’s listings quantities based on the latest quantity update date.

  • This option should be selected in case you are running 2 actives stores and your quantities are updated on both stores. Examples:

    • Your listing with SKU= “R-shirt” last update occurred on Shopify, then Shopify will update Etsy quantity.

    • Your listing with SKU= “G-shirt” last update occurred on Etsy, then Etsy will update Shopify quantity.

2 .Etsy quantities will override Shopify quantities - this option should be selected in case you are running an Etsy store and have just created your new Shopify store.


3.Shopify quantities will override Etsy quantities - this option should be selected in case you are running a Shopify store and have just created your new Etsy store .

Manage Duplicate – if you manage duplicate SKUs in the same market place , we will also take care of it and update the duplicates automatically for you.


Your inventory update may take several minutes. Meanwhile, enjoy your coffee .. take a 15 minutes break :-)


Congratulations ,your sync completed successfully!
Going forward  we will listen to all of your inventory updates on Shopify/Etsy and will sync every 15 minutes  


Advanced settings (optional)

In case you would like to change the default settings, click on the “advanced settings” tab :

  • Quantity updates – click on “Disable” button to stop the automatic sync.

  • Sync direction - following are 3 options to sync your quantities :

    •  "Bi-directional" sync (default) - this option will be enabled post the initial sync process.It means that your listings will be updated based the latest listing that was updated with a matching SKUs . 

    • Shopify quantities will override Etsy quantities - this option should be selected if Shopify is your source of truth and you DO NOT want Etsy to update Shopify. 

    • Etsy quantities will override Shopify quantities - this option should be selected if Etsy store is your source of truth and you DO NOT want Shopify to update Etsy.

  • Duplicate handling – by default we are looking for duplicate SKUs in your local store. If you want us to “ignore” duplicate listings please click on the “Disable” button.

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