shopUpz inventory makes sure that your quantity is aligned between both of your Etsy and Shopify stores.
Our quantity sync is bi-directional based on matching SKUs . When quantity changes on Etsy ,shopUpz will update Shopify vice versa.
You can also select one direction at the advanced settings page :
Shopify quantities will override Etsy quantities. Etsy will NOT update Shopify.
Etsy quantities will override Shopify quantities. Shopify will Not update Etsy
In case you find gaps with quantities please make sure that your listings are configured as follows:
Duplicate SKUs - you may use the same SKU in different listings in the same Shopify or Etsy store. For example "Red Shirt" can appear in both "Best seller" & "Sales" categories and that's ok. Problem - you can NOT use the same SKU in different variations of the same listing. Solution Solution - please set different SKUs per variations of the same listing.
Sold out - listing with sold out status on Etsy has to be manually reactivated on Etsy. Problem - restocking SKU (set quantity >0) on Shopify for a listing with status "sold out" on Etsy will not update Etsy quantity. Solution - please update Etsy listing to active with the right quantity and shopUpz app will automatically update your Shopify listing based on the same SKU.
3. Batch update - updating multiple quantities at once manually or via automated solutions.
Problem - quantity is not updated as expected.
Solution - please reactivate manually sold out listings on Etsy.
Wait 30 minutes and then update all of the other quantities on Shopify or Etsy.
4. Etsy variations settings - please make sure that all of your Etsy variations have quantities and SKUs as described here The right way to configure your Etsy variations
5.Export quantities - you can export to CSV and view all of your Etsy and Shopify quantities side by side by using our export quantities .
Happy sales :)