Once you have created your Google merchant account as described in #1 tutorial , let's go over the common errors that Google may return and how you can review it.
Here are the steps :
Enter your WIX store -> on the left menu click on "Google Shopping by shopUpz"
Click on "Export Listings" -> select the category that you want to export to Google Shopping and fill the additional field -> Click submit
The progress bar will display the export listings status. Once completed reload the page and click on "Status" tab.
Next to each provide you will see if the listing is "Active" , that means that Google approved your product or "Disapproved" it means that you need to click and the expand icon next to the listing -> view the error -> click on "learn more" to get more information.
You can also view "fix suggestion" inside Google merchant center account under Products -> Diagnostics
Common errors and resolutions :
Google validates that the product listings that you uploaded to Google merchant have the same values as described in your online store product landing page. Make sure that the following values match :
Product color on the landing page
Mismatched URL (linking to the wrong product landing page)
Product title - can contain up to 150 characters.
Resolution :
In case you are getting the above errors then export listings via our wizard again and then Google will receive the updated information.
Product title - you can select product SEO optimized title field instead of the product title field . That way you can keep your original title and use optimized text that will be used for Google Shopping.
In case learn more link is missing you can copy paste the error message inside Google search and Google will display post how to resolve the issue.
Below is a screenshot that display disapproved Google shopping products inside shopUpz app at status page. Click on expand icon next to the product name and view Google suggestion.
Below is a screenshot that display disapproved Google shopping products inside Google merchant center products page. You can also click on Diagnostics in the left menu for more details.